
Book Review – Teenage Fiction

Orangeboy – Patrice Lawrence £6.49

All that noise was fighting with the music and the music was fighting with itself. It was the usual crappy mashup, The Beatles mixed with Frank Sinatra mixed with Michael Jackson. But underneath was a bass beat, thump, thump, thump, like my heart. Not cool enough, not clever enough, not street enough for anyone to notice me. I was the kid people looked straight through. NOT ANY MORE. NOT SINCE MR ORANGE.

Hour of the Bees – Lindsay Eagar £5.99

“Excited, are we?” Dad says. No. Definitely not excited. Instead of a summer filled with pool parties and barbecues, I’ll be spending my days on a dusty sheep ranch with a grandfather I’ve never met. At least mom and dad are dreading it, too. I’ll have some company in my misery.

The Wildings – Nilanjana Roy, Prabha Mallya £5.99

Something is stirring in the heart of Old Delhi… Prowling, hunting and fighting amidst the crumbling ruins of one of Delhi’s oldest neighbourhoods, are the proud Wildings. These feral cats fear no one, go where they want and do as they please. Battle-scarred tomcats, fierce warrior queens, the Wildings have ruled over Nizamuddin for centuries.

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