
Great news for Knowsley primary school

More great news for education in Knowsley as Cronton Primary School has been ranked sixth in the top schools in Merseyside!

The rankings, based on information released by the Department for Education, measure how many 11-year-olds are achieving the expected standards in reading, writing and maths at the end of key stage 2 before they go on to secondary school.

SATs tests are taken by Year 6 pupils in their final year of primary school and measure children’s reading, writing and maths skills. Cronton Primary School is performing above the national average of pupils meeting the expected standard of results, which is 61%.  Performance recorded for Cronton Primary School pupils was 87%.

Sylvia Thomson, headteacher at Cronton Primary School, said: “This is a fantastic testament to the hard work of our staff, governors and most importantly our pupils. We provide high quality education to help our pupils to achieve their potential.

“I’m extremely proud that the school has been recognised in this way.  Well done!”

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