
Inspire Learning Teaching School Hub welcomes a new facilitator 

In December 2024, Inspire Learning Teaching School Hub (TSH), announced that its first cohort of participants for the National Professional Qualification (NPQ) for Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENDCo), were due to begin their professional development journey imminently. 

Inspire Learning TSH recruits the best possible professionals to facilitate its NPQ programmes. To deliver the SENCDO NPQ, Inspire welcomed Jo Cowans, an experienced SENDCo, passionate about driving positive change. 

Jo began her career as a history and English teacher before becoming a literacy consultant for the national strategy local authority team in Knowsley. Soon after she was seconded to a local school to support the senior leadership team as assistant principal. 

After gaining a wealth of invaluable experience in her senior leader role, Jo worked for a school in Maghull and also delivered outreach support to numerous schools as a specialist leader in education (SLE) through St John Bosco Teaching School Alliance. 

Jo’s current role as a special educational needs and disability (SEND) inclusion consultant in the borough of Sefton, sees her support students across different educational phases. Working with a team of inclusion specialists, Jo delivers training for school staff on all aspects of SEND. 

When asked why she felt inspired to apply to become a facilitator with Inspire Learning TSH, Jo said: “I was very keen and passionate about becoming a facilitator for the new SENDCo NPQ because I strongly believe in the positive impact effective SEND leadership can have on the lives of students and their families. 

Jo went on to share how her experience has enabled her to witness first-hand the challenges and opportunities that come with leading inclusive practices in schools. 

“Facilitating this programme would allow me to share my expertise and experiences, empowering other SENDCos to develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to create truly inclusive learning environments. 

“My background in leading whole school initiatives has equipped me with the practical insights and pedagogical understanding necessary to guide participants effectively,” Jo shared. 

SENDCos across the UK face an increasing number of challenges. The role of a SENDCo is constantly evolving and presents a clear demand for continuous and dynamic professional development opportunities. 

Jo shared what she feels can be done to tackle the current challenges facing the profession. She said: “In my opinion, we need to address the challenges in SEND holistically and work collaboratively with health services to achieve a brighter landscape for these children. 

“This will inevitably require some of the following approaches: increase funding and resources, enhance training and professional development with evidence-based practices, address staff workload and wellbeing, particularly of the SENDCo, create equity in assistive technology, improve early identification and intervention and finally, foster inclusive school cultures and communities.” 

Jo passionately shared her thoughts on Inspire as a TSH and why she ultimately chose to join its team. She said: “I previously worked with a teaching school that later became part of Inspire. During that time, I witnessed first-hand their dedication to providing excellent professional development and promoting inclusion and innovation in education. 

“Its values closely match my own commitment to supporting teachers and leaders and improving outcomes for students with SEND.” 

Jo’s cohort of participants officially started in November 2024 and has already covered some ground, including topics such as strategic leadership of SEND, compliance with SEND legislation and policy, adaptive teaching and learning, and whole-school inclusive practices. 

Jane Kennedy, Director of Inspire Learning TSH, commented: “We are thrilled to welcome Jo as a facilitator for the new SENDCo NPQ. 

“Jo brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and a real passion for improving outcomes for children with SEND. Her extensive career and experience in supporting teachers across SEND makes her the perfect candidate for the role.” 

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