The Air League’s ‘Soaring to Success’ opens for schools: Inspiring aviation careers among 13 to 17-Year-Olds
The Air League has launched its 2024/2025 Soaring to Success programme: an annual school outreach programme designed to encourage students aged 13-17 to pursue careers in aviation.
Soaring to Success, which is now open to registration from state-maintained schools and colleges, aims to increase social mobility through the inspirational and meaningful interactions with industry experts to help young people realise that aviation opportunities are accessible to and achievable by anyone.
The programme begins in November with a series of career conferences led by industry organisations and representatives, which aim to showcase the vast range of incredible roles and opportunities available within the UK aviation, aerospace, and space industries.
Participating organisations are expected to include British Airways, Boeing, Airbus, BAE Systems, Eagle Eye Innovations, Lockheed Martin and NATS amongst others.
Students will then complete industry-led and academically designed e-learning courses, through the online learning management system.
Individuals are given an in-depth understanding and further insight into the roles and pathways available within a variety of STEM based sectors.
In areas receiving additional funding, individuals who successfully complete both the careers conferences and e-learning modules may then be given the opportunity to progress onto further Soaring to Success workshops or experience days, experiencing first-hand the different aspects of aviation through airfield tours and trial flying or gliding lessons.
The 2023/2024 Soaring to Success programme saw over 13,000 students participate from 130 schools across the UK. Sponsored by industry companies and organisations including British Airways, Boeing, the Civil Aviation Authority and the Department for Transport, the 2024/2025 programme aims to build upon previous years and encourage more students than ever to explore the career pathways available to them in the aviation and aerospace industries.
State schools with students aged 13-17 are encouraged to register for the free careers enrichment programme, which will run from November
2024 to July 2025. Registration can be completed for classes, year groups or entire schools, by visiting the Air League’s website and completing the webform.
Andy Jervis, education and operations officer of the Air League, said: “The launch of the 2024/25 programme is very exciting. Over the past two years we have reached over 21,000 young people through the conferences and seen the thrill on the faces of more than 300 youngsters taking their first flights.
“High quality careers information and meaningful interaction with industry experts are at the core of the programme with the express intent to break down social and economic barriers and allow students across the UK to make more informed choices when choosing their next steps and future careers.”