
Archbishop of Liverpool visits Carmel

Staff and students at Carmel were delighted to welcome His Grace Malcolm McMahon into college.

During his visit the Archbishop took a tour of the college where he had the opportunity to talk to staff and students in the Foundation Learning Department as well as visiting an ethics and values class, a philosophy and religion lesson and a Year Zero tutorial.

He was very interested in what the students had to say and was extremely impressed with the positive attitudes and enthusiasm of everyone he met.

After the tour, His Grace held Mass in the Chaplaincy. This was followed by lunch and the opportunity to address all staff in Carmel’s Dalton Theatre.

He said his visit had been extremely enjoyable and he thanked everyone for all that they do for students.

Principal, Rob Peacock, said: “We thank His Grace for taking the time out of his busy schedule to visit us. He is extremely interested in what we do here at Carmel and it was great to see how well he got on with students.

“The young people themselves were delighted that he took the time to listen to their point of view”.

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