
ASFA students chosen to become Reading Revolutionaries

A group of Year 10 students from The Academy of St Francis of Assisi (ASFA) have been selected as ‘Reading Revolutionaries’ as part of a bespoke initiative with The Reader.

The students have been expertly trained by The Reader so that they can share their enthusiasm for reading on a one-to-one basis with younger students in the academy.

The Reader is a charity which wants to bring about a Reading Revolution, so that everyone can experience and enjoy great literature.

Taking place in the school’s library, students will choose stories and poems to read and share together, in an open and relaxed way to encourage discussion and to bring the words alive for their reading buddy.

The revolutionaries will meet with their buddies weekly, giving them the opportunity to develop their reading and communication skills, as well as their confidence.

Sami Wilson, Schools Partnership Programme Manager at The Reader, is leading the initiative at The Academy of St Francis of Assisi and other schools within the city.

She said: “Reading Revolutionaries is a really exciting project, the peer-to-peer relationships built through 1:1 shared reading really allows both the revolutionaries and the buddies to read for pleasure in a safe and non-judgemental environment and gives them a unique opportunity to think, talk about and see things in a different way.

“It was a joy to work with the Year 10 students and to see how they approached the training with curiosity and a commitment to making a difference to younger pupils in the school.

I’m really looking forward to seeing how the project develops at The Academy of St Francis of Assisi.”

The academy’s librarian, Jane Wade, said: “Our students thoroughly enjoy reading and really make use of our extensive library.

This initiative was something I knew our Year 10s would want to be part of and to see it begin with such eagerness was wonderful. The results will be extremely beneficial to everyone involved.”

The Academy of St Francis of Assisi is proud to be part of All Saints Multi Academy Trust.

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