
Best ever A-Level results at St Michael’s

Students and staff at St Michael’s High School are celebrating their best ever set of A-Level and vocational results today.

The pass rate, average grade, average points score per student and value added measures have all risen to record highs at the Crosby-based school.

Amongst those receiving their results was student Mark McParlan who gained the highest honours with a straight sweep of A grades: A*, A, A.

Meanwhile, Heather King achieved an excellent A*, A*, B and fellow student, Joe Martin scored a superb A*, A, B.

Headteacher of St Michael’s High School, Dr S J Hulme, commented:  “All students deserve great credit for their sustained efforts to gain some fantastic A-Level and vocational grades. It is always a pleasure to see our young people succeed and they are now well equipped to move on to the University or College of their choice. Well done to all!”

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