Bishop of Liverpool opens two new schools
The Rt Revd Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool has today officially opened two new school buildings.
Bishop Paul visited St Hilda’s CE High School where he joined with the whole school to celebrate with staff and pupils before blessing the chapel and touring the school ahead of the official opening.
Bishop Paul then spent the afternoon with staff and pupils at Archbishop Blanch CE High School where he also opened the school before touring the facilities, blessing their chapel and closing the visit with a whole school celebration.
Frank McFarlane (chair of governors), Heather Duggan (headteacher) Cllr Anne O’Byrne and Bishop of Liverpool Paul Bayes
Bishop Paul said: “First we shape our buildings, then they shape us. These words of Winston Churchill apply well beyond Parliament. For our schools too the environment is crucial. Good education is not about fact cramming nor is it simply about inspirational teaching. We know that attractive, well-designed buildings can have a really positive impact on students’ learning. That’s why I am so pleased to be officially opening two fine church school buildings today.
“Both Archbishop Blanch and St Hilda CE High Schools are excellent examples of a fully rounded church school matching high academic standards with deep pastoral care, enriched by a strong faith-based ethos and a clear understanding of Christ’s teaching. As I open their buildings and bless their chapels I pray for all those who study, teach and learn in these fine schools.
Back row: Joan Stein (chair of governors), deputy mayor of Liverpool Cllr Anne O’Byrne, Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool. Front row: Quadruplets Abbey, Joel, Reece and Megan Diggle with Mrs Benson (headteacher).
Heather Duggan, headteacher at Archbishop Blanch, said: “This is such an exciting time for everyone involved in the life of Archbishop Blanch – pupils, parents, and teachers alike. We are so excited to mark this new beginning in such a special way.
“We are especially delighted to be having our new prayer room blessed by the Bishop of Liverpool. We strongly believe in instilling Christian values amongst our girls, and this is an occasion which our school can value forever”.
Eleanor Benson, headteacher at St Hilda’s, said: “Everyone who enters St Hilda’s comments on the awe-inspiring atrium. The building is airy, light and uplifting, it is a wonderful working environment.
“Staff and pupils feel the same way about the outstanding quality of the work of the architect and the contractors which makes the most of our unique location on the edge of Sefton Park.”
“The school chapel at St Hilda’s contains a stained-glass window by Deborah Lowe, specially commissioned for the new building.
“The School’s founders were Anglican nuns, the Sisters of the Church and in this very different era, the same Christian faith underlies the work of the school.”