
Career inspiration for Evelyn Primary School

Children at Evelyn Primary School, Prescot found out about potential careers at an aspirations day.

They had the opportunity to meet with representatives from the Police and Fire services, the construction industry, alongside a solicitor, radiographer, photographer, paediatrician, golfer and school nurse.

The children were also able to quiz Councillor Graham Morgan, the Leader of Knowsley Council and Metro Mayor for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, Steve Rotheram about their political careers.

The school has its own unique curriculum called ARCS curriculum (A Real-life, Creative, Skills-based curriculum) which aims to provide children with varied life skills, for example, being a global citizen and how to become an entrepreneur.

As part of this, the school has regular Aspirations Days where children have the opportunity to find out about different areas of work, potential future careers and ask questions of the volunteers who attend.

Carole Arnold, headteacher at Evelyn Primary said: “Widening children’s horizons is something we always aspire to do. We are very grateful to the members of the community who gave up their valuable time to make the event successful. We are sure that the children were inspired by what the visitors had to say.”

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