
Celebrating fairness

School children across Knowsley were going bananas in support of farmers and workers in developing countries getting a fair deal.

During Fairtrade Fortnight Knowsley mascot Mrs Banana visited schools across the borough promoting this year’s campaign – ‘Stick with Foncho to make bananas fair’– which encourages people to think about the producer behind the product.

Among the schools giving Mrs Banana a warm welcome was Cronton Church of England Primary, where children attended a Fairtrade assembly and heard how the Fairtrade system ensures smallholder farmers in developing countries receive a minimum price for their produce, plus a Fairtrade premium – an extra amount spent on improving farming practices and health, education and social projects.

Teacher Sarah Jones said: “We celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight every year as it’s important that our children learn about the issues facing farmers and workers in the developing world. Mrs Banana’s visit helped children understand this message in a fun and interactive way.”

Knowsley is a Fairtrade Borough and the council supports schools across the borough to achieve Fairtrade School status.
Knowsley’s cabinet member for leisure, community and culture, Cllr Eddie Connor said: “We are keen to support schools’ Fairtrade fortnight activities so that the consumers of tomorrow know the importance of ensuring farmers in the developing world receive a fair price for the products they produce.”

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