
Celebrating reading

Hundreds of children and young people took part in a festival of reading across Knowsley.

Now in its 14th year, the Knowsley library service holds an annual reading challenge to encourage children to keep reading over the school holidays and develop a love of books.

This year over 700 children took part in the challenge to read at least six books.

Every child who completed the challenge was presented with a medal and certificate at their local library, children from each library went on to attend a special celebration event in Huyton Library.

This year’s challenge for four to 11 year olds was based on ‘The Creepy House’ and was all about frightful reads that thrill children without being scary.

Park Brow Community Primary in Kirkby received the summer reading challenge cup from Cllr Connor after 21 pupils completed the challenge, the highest number of any primary school in the borough.

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