
Closing date approaches for Fusion Prize

Launched in the summer of 2019 by Culture Mile, in partnership with Foundation for FutureLondon with East Bank, the Fusion Prize was created to foster and invest in solutions that address the growing skills gap faced by cross sector employers.

The Prize is open to anyone with an original and creative concept – be it an idea for an app, programme, workshop or new piece of technology – and invites passionate individuals and teams to work together to pitch ideas for innovative programmes or products.

The prize aims to develop the fusion skills that are essential for the modern workplace: a mix of communication, thinking, organisational and creative skills to ensure that nobody is left behind on the journey towards a fulfilling career.

With a judging panel of innovators and cutting-edge thinkers, access to Culture Mile and East Bank experts, and a £50,000 prize for the winner, the Fusion Prize will invest in solutions that address the growing skills gap faced by many young Londoners.

The competition responds to evidence that participation in cultural activities can help develop fusion skills and invites passionate individuals and teams to work together to pitch ideas for innovative programmes or products that are designed to develop the skills of London’s young people and children through cultural experiences.

The deadline for entries is Friday 17 January 2020. The finalists will be announced in February 2020 and the winner in May 2020.

The winner of the prize will receive £50,000 to implement their idea.

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