Drumming up a beat
Members of BKO Quintet, an African group whose music is based on traditional Malian rhythms, visited St Luke’s CE Primary School, Formby and led djembe workshops throughout the afternoon.
The band were in Liverpool at the beginning of their UK tour and were invited to St Luke’s through links with Africa Oye, hosts of the annual African music and culture festival and Gafro, who teaches drumming at the school.
Aymeric and Ibrahima performed and shared their expertise with over seventy children – a truly unique experience – and the drumming club members performed a short piece for the visitors.
African drumming has been taught at St Luke’s for five years. All junior children have lessons and some take up the chance of masterclasses with Gafro after school.
Jennie Harper, music and arts co-ordinator, said: “This was a wonderful opportunity for the children to take part in a workshop led by international musicians.
“Music of all genres is very much celebrated in school but this afternoon has been the highlight of the year”.