
Going for gold

Archbishop Blanch were assessed by the Liverpool Learning Partnership and awarded gold in the Liverpool Counts Quality Mark for Numeracy.

In order to achieve this prestigious award, they had to meet high standards in six key themes including leadership, development and promotion.

A huge part of the award was linked with numeracy events which have been very well supported by staff, students, parents and governors throughout the whole school.

Number day was a huge success in raising the profile of numeracy as well as funds for the NSPCC.

All staff have played a vital role in the promotion of school wide opportunities for numeracy by building numeracy into lessons, classroom and corridor displays and taking part in the National Numeracy Challenge.

The assessment involved some very important meetings with staff, governors and their Year 10 numeracy ambassadors as well as a tour of the school and lessons led by the Year 9 numeracy ambassadors, Kate Sayers and Anya Prior who did a fantastic job of demonstrating the significance of numeracy at the school.

Sarah Ismail and Grace Gallagher, also, very kindly volunteered to observe them delivering their form numeracy as part of the numeracy ambassador role which was a delight to watch – it was a brilliant day!

The assessor, Dave Carden, highlighted the contributions of the numeracy ambassadors, parents and the staff to be a very important strength of the promotion of numeracy within school as well as the cross curricular opportunities to develop numeracy for life.

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