
Hillsborough Family Support Group chair inspires students with message of hope and kindness

The chairman of the Hillsborough Family Support Group, Margaret Aspinall, recently visited Alsop High School in Liverpool to speak at the ‘My Community Matters’ Forum.

Margaret shared her fight for justice after the Hillsborough disaster with Alsop students. She spoke passionately about the strength of the Liverpool community, urging the young people in the room to become ambassadors of hope and renewal.

At the end of the session, Margaret launched the Alsop Advent challenge, the ‘25 Days of Kindness’ initiative. The young people were inspired to ‘Be the change they want to see’. During the weeks leading up to Christmas, Alsop students have been assigned 25 simple tasks to facilitate kindness.

Tasks in the initiative could include calling or messaging someone they haven’t spoken to recently, washing the dishes, or picking up ten pieces of litter.

The initiative extends beyond Alsop High School, as Arnot St Mary and Kirkdale St Lawrence primary schools are also taking part. The role of the students is to complete a daily act of kindness, and encourage others to follow their lead.

The ‘My Community Matters Forum’ is a weekly after school initiative designed to generate neighbourhood pride, form character and develop a ‘Network of Kindness’ to bring people together. The participants are following the Common Good Schools programme.

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