
Liverpool School Sports Partnership hosts PE conference targeting whole school outcomes

On Wednesday, 13 March, Liverpool School Sports Partnership (LSSP) hosted a physical education (PE) conference that delved into whole school approaches.

From left to right: Ben Holden, head of physical education and senior teacher at High Tunstall College of Science; Dr Vicky Randall, education and research consultant at PE Scholar; Neil Moggan, education consultant.

Held at the Partnership for Learning Centre in Speke, Liverpool, the conference enabled attendees to explore learners’ journey in PE through curriculum scope and sequence, adaptive and inclusion practices in PE, and taking a whole school approach to wellbeing.

The keynote speech came from Dr Vicky Randall, education and research consultant at PE Scholar, who explored the vital role of physical education in supporting children’s wellbeing and how it can drive positive change within schools.

Three workshops were delivered throughout the day, each focussing on a specific topic for both primary and secondary education. 

At the first workshop, ‘Mapping your scope and sequence’, attendees explored how to enhance the learner journey in PE by carefully considering curriculum scope and sequence.

The second workshop dove into adaptive and inclusive practices, providing practical ideas to help attendees adapt their current practices and scaffold activities to create a more inclusive learning environment, where all students make progress. 

Facilitated by Ben Holden, head of physical education and senior teacher in charge of community development at High Tunstall College of Science, the adaptive and inclusive practices in PE workshop introduced attendees to the STEP (space, task, equipment and people) method, which helps practitioners broaden the scope of inclusivity during physical activities. 

The final workshop of the day was an opportunity to ‘deep dive’ into Ofsted and understand how best to articulate and celebrate how PE is structured within a school. 

Joining Dr Vicky and Ben as a guest speaker at the event was Neil Moggan, education consultant and former director of sport, health and RSHE in a UK-based secondary school. 

James McGinn, partnership manager at Liverpool School Sports Partnership, commented on the event. He said: “It was incredible to welcome so many like-minded individuals to our PE conference.

“Each workshop was developed to support whole school outcomes, from wellbeing to adaptive and inclusive practices to crafting a curriculum sequence.

“At the heart of what we do is supporting the development of happy, healthy and active young people. Through events like this, where we can draw on industry-led research and share best practices, we can help schools to enhance PE, physical activity and sports.”

Year 10 sports leaders from Calderstones School also attended the conference to discuss how engaging in PE and school sports has helped them both in and outside of school. Claudia, Kaden, Ned and Nafisa articulated themselves incredibly and even shared what areas of school they would spend money on. 

Andy Powell, PE coordinator at Dovedale Primary, attended the conference and commented on the valuable insights he gained. 

Andy said: “Each workshop was extremely valuable and informative, but in particular, the session on adaptive and inclusion practices. 

“At Dovedale Primary, we have recently implemented several practices that focus on inclusivity in PE, so it was great to know that our approach is in line with some of the practices discussed. 

“The STEP method was a new approach that we will definitely look to adopt at our school. A massive thank you to LSSP and the facilitators.”

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