Liverpool schools recognised for reading
Liverpool schools that are excelling at promoting reading for pleasure have been celebrated at a special event.
A total of 20 primary, secondary and special schools in the city have been awarded the Liverpool Reading Quality Mark.
This award is the first of its kind in the North West, innovated by School Improvement Liverpool Ltd, an organisation that works with schools to help them improve.
The Liverpool Reading Quality Mark has been developed in partnership with The National Literacy Trust and is supported by the Liverpool Learning Partnership, which represents all education sectors and all learners in Liverpool.
Councillor Lana Orr, Mayoral Lead for Primary education, says: “The Reading Quality Mark is giving so many Liverpool children an opportunity to read for pleasure and the work of schools their staff and students is rightly recognised and celebrated.
“The work being done to raise the profile of reading will create a new generation of readers and ensure our young people fulfil their true potential.”
The award is highly valued by Liverpool schools and its impact is spreading, with several schools in neighbouring Knowsley also working towards accreditation this term.
Sue Killen, Senior School Improvement Officer, says: “Research shows that children and young people who develop positive attitudes to reading and read for enjoyment are more likely to develop better literacy skills and improved life opportunities and our schools continually find innovative and creative ways to promote this.
“For many schools, something that has really made the difference to children’s enjoyment of reading is the development of their indoor and outdoor reading areas. Transforming them into magical places, themed to be witches’ caves, pirate ships or jungle hideaways and ensuring that they are stocked with the most exciting books means that children want to be there and discover all that they can.”
The 20 schools who received an accolade are:
Primary: Dovecot Primary; Gwladys Street Primary; Holy Name Catholic Primary; Holy Trinity Catholic Primary; Kingsley Primary; Northcote Primary; St Anne’s (Stanley) CE Primary; St Cleopas CE Primary; St Teresa of Lisieux Catholic Primary; St Mary’s CE Primary; St Frances de Sales Catholic Primary; Our Lady and St Philomena’s Catholic Primary; Ranworth Square Primary; Wellesbourne Primary and St Nicholas Catholic Primary
Secondary: Enterprise South Liverpool Academy; St Margaret’s CE Academy
Special: Ernest Cookson; Sandfield Park; Woolton High
- The event was held in Liverpool Central Library
- Rita Bryne, formerly Senior School Improvement Officer (Primary) was given flowers in recognition of recently being awarded an MBE
- Mary Hind-Portley read the poem ‘And yet the books’ by Czeslaw Milosz
- Sue Killen, Senior School Improvement Officer (Primary) opened the ceremony
- Wellesbourne Primary School
- Ranworth Square Primary School
- OLSP Catholic Primary School
- St Frances de Sales Catholic Primary School
- St Mary’s CE Primary School
- Woolton High School
- St Teresa of Lisieux Catholic Primary School
- St Margaret’s CE Academy
- St Cleopas CE Primary School
- St Anne’s (Stanley) CE Primary School
- Northcote Primary School
- Kingsley Primary School
- Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School
- Holy Name Catholic Primary School
- Gwladys Street Primary School
- Enterprise South Liverpool Academy
- Dovecot Primary School
- Sandfield Park School
- St Nicholas Catholic Primary School