
Liverpool students inspired to follow a career in law

Students from schools within All Saints Multi Academy Trust have taken part in a unique initiative launched by the Crown Prosecution Service.

The Anthony Walker Pathways programme was established by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) with the Anthony Walker Foundation, National Black Crown Prosecution Association, Liverpool John Moores University and Salford University. It aims to increase diversity in the CPS by inspiring and supporting students of minority backgrounds into a rewarding career as a prosecutor.

Year 11 students from The Academy of St Francis of Assisi, Kensington, and Year 12 students from All Saints Sixth Form, Garston, took part in the scholarship scheme.

The scheme is in memory of Anthony Walker who was murdered in an unprovoked, racially motivated attack in July 2005 in Merseyside. Anthony, 18, was a black British student in the second year of his A-levels when he was killed and had wanted to go to university to study law.

During the event, students listened to, debated and networked with senior prosecutors and other professionals form the CPS and The Anthony Walker Foundation, and gave students the opportunity to hear first-hand about the criminal justice system and the different pathways into law.

The students will now be taking part in a flagship project of work experience with the Mersey Cheshire CPS team where they will take part in workshops and look at real past cases, examine evidence and take part in a mock trial.

They will find out about how the CPS make decisions based on evidence and public interest and how to “think like a lawyer”. They will also get to see law in action, learn how law is evolving and will have the opportunity to work with more amazing and inspirational staff in various CPS job roles.

Miss Caroline Swarbrick, careers and employability manager at All Saints Multi Academy Trust, said: “The aim of the project is to develop our students with skills for employment, to learn about different qualifications and pathways, including university and apprenticeship routes and most of all, have the opportunity to gain real experience with professionals and grow in knowledge, enthusiasm and understanding that with the right mindset and dedication they can achieve anything they want in life.

“I’m so pleased by the students’ eagerness to be part of this programme and I hope it encourages them to consider a career in law.”

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