
Moving speech by MP on horrors of genocide

An MP has visited students at Alsop High School as part of commemorations for Holocaust Memorial Day.

Stephen Twigg, MP for Liverpool West Derby, spoke about his time in Rwanada, as this year the country honour the 25th anniversary of the slaughter of over one million people in 1994.

Stressing the importance of the anniversary, Stephen is encouraging young people to learn lessons from the past to create a caring and tolerant world, where diversity is both respected and celebrated.

Mr Peter Bull, organiser of the visit, said: “We were delighted to host Stephen Twigg. Students were keen to ask about Brexit and the proceedings at Westminister.

“Stephen engaged with the young people and challenged them to think about their future and the role they can play in developing tolerant, caring and diverse communities.”

During a collective worship students spoke about the effects of the genocide, the theme of this year’ Holocause Memorial being ‘Torn from Home.’ They also spoke about the Holocaust during World War Two, during which over six million Jewish people were sentenced to death under the rule of the Nazis.

Towards the end of his visit, Stephen urged students to think of themselves as global citizens, and the importance of respect and care. He also assisted in a Year 11 geography lesson where he engaged with pupils and took an active role within the class.

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