
Pupils urged to help transform our world

A free virtual summit, organised by charity Global Action Plan, and hosted on its Transform Our World teacher resource hub, will take place from 9-13 November.

The event will include 136 sessions hosted by primary and secondary schools, organisations and charities.

Running from 9-13 November across five themed days, the summit will provide a collective route for young people to make climate action pledges, culminating in a panel event on Friday 13 November.

Dozens of organisations, including WWF and Greenpeace, will run sessions at the Youth Climate Summit 2020, a virtual week of online events bringing schools from around the UK together to get on the Climate Action Map and make pledges for the planet.

Transform Our World is an online, centralised, quality-rated resource hub to help teachers to bring environmental action into the classroom.

The hub provides opportunities for students to lead impactful projects that tackle the root causes of the climate breakdown and biodiversity loss.

The range of curriculum-linked, low prep resources is teacher-reviewed and tested, to ensure it is as easy as possible for teachers to channel the excitement around climate action into schools-based activities.

Transform Our World is funded through the #iwill Fund, which is made possible thanks to a £50 million joint investment from The National Lottery Community Fund and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to support young people to access high quality social action opportunities, such as volunteering and campaigning, around the issues that matter to them.

Schools can book sessions for free now at:

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