St Clare’s Primary School Light Shines…
The light shone on staff and pupils from St Clare’s Catholic Primary School in Liverpool after the school was judged to be a ‘Good’ school in their latest Ofsted inspection report.
Since the appointment of headteacher, Kate Peaston, the school has moved from a special measures judgement to a good outcome over a period of four years.
Headteacher, Kate Peaston said that the ethos of the school came across very strongly during the inspection. “In 2018, we reviewed our mission statement and, as a result, all members of the school community very much hold in our heart, our motto, ‘Let our light shine…’ This motto is central to everything that we do.”
A high number of pupils in the school speak English as an additional language, and many are new to the UK. The recent inspection report asserted that, “Pupils are happy. They find that the school is a calm, restful and protected place in which they can learn, make friends and succeed.”
Assistant head, Gwen Pilkington, said: “Inspectors gave particular praise to the teaching of reading at St Clare’s, commenting “Leaders put reading at the heart of the school curriculum.” and “This good grounding in reading sets pupils up for success in other areas of the curriculum”.
“Inspectors recognised that the teaching of computing is a strength of the school, preparing pupils for their future lives. The report also praised the after school activities that were on offer, including music, cooking and sport.
During the past two years, the school has achieved several Quality Marks on its journey to achieving a good outcome, the Liverpool Counts Quality Mark, the Basic Skills Award, the Healthy Schools Award, the School of Sanctuary Award, the EYFS Quality Mark, the Reading Quality Mark and the Laudato Si Award.
Kate Peaston, headteacher said: “We would like to thank all of our children who are an absolute credit to the school, our staff and governors who work so hard and of course our parents and carers. We are all so proud of this achievement.”
- A special day of entertainment was organised for pupils
- The pupils enjoyed the days events
- It was a laugh a minute…
- Audience participation was the order of the day
- Staff and pupils enjoyed the day
- Pupils joined in the fun
- Pupils were entertained by a magician
- ‘That’s magic’ fun and entertainment
- Pupils celebrate the news of their ‘Good’ Ofsted report