St Marie’s celebrates community awareness
Year 5 pupils from St Marie’s Catholic Primary School in Kirkby celebrated a day of community awareness.
The goal of the community awareness day was to increase the community’s knowledge of the available programs and services offered. This was accomplished by the children inviting various groups to the school to come and meet and greet the pupils.
Simon Watson, lead learning mentor at St Marie’s, said: “The Year 5 pupils invited local community services and groups to the school as a way of getting to know them, they included the police, fire service, a local stables and Scouts.
“We also invited family and friends who were more than willing to help.
“A big thank you must go to Andy Robinson and Paul Garvey from Knowsley Youth Mutual who helped to co-ordinate the day. The feedback from the community has been tremendous, so much so that we want to make this an annual event and get all the whole school involved”.