
Tauhid gets on board

Tauhid Ahmed age 10 from Waterloo Primary School has been selected from 100 applicants to be a National
Anti-Bullying Ambassador Youth Board Member.
15 inspirational young people, aged from 9 to 17 from different regions across England, have been selected to sit on the Youth Board.
The Youth Board will represent the views of thousands of schools and young people from across the UK, offering advice on anti-bullying policies and practices.
The members will also be given the opportunity to help with the planning of this year’s Anti-Bullying week which takes place in November. The Diana Award runs the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors programme, a nationwide peer led initiative with 7,250 trained ambassadors in over 635 schools across the UK.
The Diana Award helps the Ambassadors by holding training events, giving them inspiration, practical ideas and top tips. Tauhid said: “I am delighted to be part of the National Anti-Bullying Youth Board and I am really looking forward to representing young peoples’ views about bullying and sharing ideas.
“By being a member, I feel I will definitely make a difference to the lives of other young people who have experienced bullying or have been a bully themselves.”
Deputy Headteacher, Sarah Maciver said: “We are incredibly proud of our involvement with the Diana Award and feel that our whole school community has learnt a great deal over the two years since we first signed up.
“All of our ambassadors work incredibly hard and show real commitment and we are all very proud of Tauhid’s appointment to the Youth Board –We know that he will do his best and make wonderful contributions.’

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