
The stage is set

It was lights up at the Everyman theatre on March 1, and the Everyman and Playhouse theatres have since ensured their inaugural season has something for everyone, from seasoned theatregoers to families and younger audiences, with education at the forefront of every performance and activity.

At the centre of the new and improved Everyman is the Young Everyman Playhouse, whose young actors, writers, directors and technicians recently presented The Grid, a futuristic tale of humanity and its interaction with technology.

For schools, the Everyman Playhouse Education Programme for pupils in primary schools right up to university students is particularly exciting. It aims to encourage a passion for the arts whilst providing resources for classrooms, support for teachers and opportunities to gain new skills, explore ideas, and raise artistic aspirations. The ultimate aim is to assist and actively encourage partnerships between the theatres and schools, through the use of forums, workshops, tours, and talks.

These elements are offered in support of the on-stage productions, and are intended to provide insight into the work of the playwright, the director, the actor, and the technical departments, all the while sharing their contagious enthusiasm for the theatre.

As such, Educate is understandably thrilled to announce that The Everyman and Playhouse Education Team are sharing their expertise and acting as specialist judges for the Educate Awards 2014 Outstanding Arts and Creative and Innovative Literacy categories.

Dominic Beaumont, communications and media officer at the Everyman Playhouse said: “We are thrilled to be working with Educate Magazine on the Educate Awards 2014. The theatres’ Education Department plays a significant role within our organisation, working with students and practitioners in the formal education system to help introduce students to theatre and encouraging and helping them to develop their own work.

“The Educate Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements made by the schools in our region and the awards in Outstanding Arts and Innovative and Creative Literacy across primary and secondary schools helps encourage the young creative practitioners of the future at all levels and ethos The Everyman and Playhouse strongly believe in.”

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