
Two Rainford High students win social enterprise competition

Two Year 7 students from Rainford High were recently crowned winners of the highly coveted Midomo Social Enterprise Competition during an in-school ‘Be Brilliant’ careers day. 

As part of Rainford High’s commitment to providing excellent careers education information and guidance (CEIAG), all Year 7 students took part in an activity day facilitated by specialist career coaches from St Helens Chamber, designed to develop entrepreneurship and key employability skills in preparation for the world of work. 

In the morning session, students were tasked with working in teams to design and produce a business plan for an innovative product that, when sold, would see profits supporting charitable causes.  

This resulted in eight contenders moving forward to the afternoon’s Dragon’s Den final with the judging panel consisting of career coaches from St Helens Chamber and Rainford High’s Mr Makin, Director of Personal Development and Careers, and Mr O’Connor, Year 7 Learning Leader. 

The panel had the difficult task of deciding on a winning innovation. Eventually they chose Tom Keely and George Yates’ impressive idea which was an amazing self-cooling drinking bottle which was both eco-friendly and very innovative. 

Tom and George will now go on to showcase their idea to the school’s SLT team, giving them the valuable experience of presenting in front of other people. 

Mr Makin said: “We are so proud of the creativity and enthusiasm demonstrated by our Year 7 students and a huge well done to all participants.  

“All students received a participation and / or finalist certificate in recognition of their efforts in completing the tasks and developing key personal and employability skills, such as teamwork, communication, leadership, that will allow them to secure successful and productive futures.” 

Rebecca Hitchen, Young People’s Development Team Leader at St Helens Chamber, commented: “It was a great day, especially seeing the efforts put in by all Year 7 students. Our decision on the winner was extremely difficult, with all teams involved demonstrating creativity, innovative ideas, wonderful teamwork and communication skills. The concept of our session is to address the challenges we face within the local community of St Helens, and find a solution through a social enterprise model. Well done to Tom and George!” 

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