
Winstanley College secure grant to improve art and design facilities

Winstanley College has been awarded £53,000 from the Wolfson Foundation for a refurbishment of art and design facilities.

The grant is excellent news for the department’s 300 plus students who will benefit from an improved learning environment and equipment.

Stefan Isaacson, head of art at Winstanley College said: “The Wolfson Foundation funding will allow the department to improve the 3D workshop, which is a space in high demand due the growing popularity of the college’s Professional Pathway in architecture and the increased interest in animation, game art and product design.

“The upcoming renovation will provide a more stylish home for the virtual reality technology, 3D printer, new laser cutter and new machinery, as well as an improved teaching space for workshops and inductions.

“Design related courses at university have been a popular route for past students via our creative A-levels and the art foundation course with students studying product design at Central St Martins, design at Goldsmiths, interior architecture at MMU and architecture at universities all over the country.

“We are really grateful for the opportunity to add to already outstanding facilities and look forward to making full use of the new space in September 2020”.

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