
Wirral KidsMeet returns

Wirral KidsMeet 2014 took place yesterday at Bidston Avenue Primary School, an event that brings together children from different schools to share their learning experiences and skills. This year there were a number of schools involved, including St Andrew’s, St Peter’s, Greenleas, St Nicholas and Poulton Lancelyn primaries.

The day was jam packed full of various activities, from getting to know you games, speed learning, computing master classes and time for the children to reflect on their learning. The event is now the second of its kind and was developed after the success of TeachMeet – an event ran by teachers, for teachers. 2013 was the first time a KidsMeet had been held on the Wirral, with only a few other similar events taking place across the country. With the success of the first event, KidsMeet returned to give the opportunity for more students and more schools to share their passion for learning.

Highlights of the event included a ‘speed learning’ task where students could share one of their interests, be it an app, website, project or certain topic, and present this to the rest of the group for three minutes. After their presentations, the children were able to discuss, ask questions and ‘tour’ different tables and interact with other students.



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