
Wirral school wins national innovation award

Wirral Grammar School for Boys has been announced as winners of the Grammar School Heads Association (GSHA) Innovation Award for 2024. This esteemed recognition highlights the school’s exceptional efforts in advancing education through innovative approaches.

Wirral Grammar School for Boys’ teachers Mrs Byrne, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Smith were recognised as having been particularly instrumental in pioneering initiatives such as the student enrichment programme, the careers education programme, and the school’s ‘MINDS’ group, which focuses on supporting the mental health and wellbeing of its students.

Headteacher, Mr Simon Ascroft said: “We are delighted to receive this national recognition for our innovative work in personal development.

“The dedication of Mrs Byrne, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Smith in developing these enriching programmes has been outstanding, and it is gratifying to see their hard work acknowledged on such a prestigious platform.”

The initiatives serve to further enhance the educational experience at Wirral Grammar School for Boys, which provides students with unique opportunities to grow academically and personally. The school’s commitment to personal development previously earned it an ‘Outstanding’ grade from Ofsted, and this national award further cements its status as a leader in educational innovation.

Mr Ascroft added: “Developing students beyond the classroom is something we believe is integral to the values and ethos of Wirral Grammar School for Boys. Our focus has always been on offering the best opportunities for our students.

“Winning the GSHA Innovation Award is a testament to the collaborative effort of our staff and students. We are incredibly proud of this achievement and look forward to continuing our work in fostering an environment of excellence and inclusivity.”

The winners will travel to London on 12 June to receive their award at the prestigious RAF Club, a fitting venue to celebrate their remarkable accomplishments.

Wirral Grammar School for Boys remains dedicated to pioneering innovative educational practices and supporting the ongoing holistic development of its students.

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