
A warm welcome at St Charles

The Archbishop of Liverpool Malcolm McMahon was welcomed to St Charles Catholic Primary School where he met pupils and staff and saw how they spread the Good News in the school and local community.
The Archbishop, accompanied by Father James Preston, Parish Priest of St Charles’, Mr Steve Roberts, co-chair of governors, Mr Chris Davey, headteacher, and Mary Walker, deputy head and RE co-ordinator, visited each class and talked to the children and teachers.
The Archbishop took with him his crozier and mitre, talked with the children about them, and let some lucky pupils try them on for size.
The children in Year 2 presented him with a ‘welcome’ card, and were generous enough to draw an Arsenal badge on the front, in reference to his support of the club.
As he left, Archbishop Malcolm commented on the warm welcome he had received and on how wonderful the children at St Charles’ Catholic Primary School are.

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