
A week of new experiences at St Mary’s Catholic College

St Mary’s Catholic College in Wallasey recently held an ‘experience week’ for its students. 

The week formed a part of the school’s new Inspire Programme, and served as the end of year finale for the innovative programme.

The Inspire Programme is a personal development programme that allows students to develop and apply St Mary’s Catholic College’s core values of respect, courage, pride, determination and compassion.

Chester Zoo, Edge Hill University and Loggerheads.

One day of the week consisted of a careers focus day about roles in the emergency services. Students were able to learn more about specific roles in the field. 

St Mary's students showing their support for WaterAid

Another day involved students walking in conjunction with WaterAid’s Walk for Water charity event.

The event supports those who have to walk long distances to collect water every day.

Students also spent time participating in reflective sessions.

In these sessions, they created a Romero Cross based on the college community.

They also took part in collective worship as well as an end of year quiz.

Additionally, students collaborated on art projects that reflected the core values of St Mary’s Catholic College.

Overall, pupils developed kills around their personal determination, built stronger friendships with one another and developed further individuality and appreciation for the values of the college.

The week ended with a rewards assembly and full College Mass that celebrated the achievements of all students at the college.

Headteacher Mr Kevin Maddocks, said: “The experience week, which is part of The Inspire Programme, was a great time for all of our students. 

“Not only did they have fun, they were also able to develop a lot of interpersonal skills and show their support to charity in the process.”

He added: “The week was a universal core offer to all of our students and as such was completely free for each student.

“We are very proud of our students and how well they continue to represent our core values of respect, courage, determination, compassion and pride.” 

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