
Celebrating success at St Cuthbert’s

St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School are celebrating great results and some excellent individual achievements this year – including the first wave of new 9-to-1 grades.

54 % of students achieved five standard GCSE passes including English and maths, consolidating the improvements we are constantly making. The first results of revised GCSEs in English and maths saw 72% of students achieve the standard pass in English and 58% in maths.

There were fantastic results in other subjects too with 100% of students achieving grades A*-C in music and chemistry. There were significant improvements in RE and history.

These results are a testimony to the hard work and determination of the students and staff at St Cuthbert’s, not just in the new-style exams, beginning with English and Maths but the changes to the specifications in other subjects to make them more demanding.

Headteacher Mrs Catherine Twist, said “There have been concerns over numerical grading and questions about a system that will have two different types of pass grade but today is the day when the St Cuthbert’s family celebrate our students’ last five years with us and all their achievements.

“We wish them the best of luck as they move on and encourage them to continue to “Live life in all its fullness”. As we adjust to a different style of qualification I am delighted with this year’s results and look forward to continuing on our journey to outstanding”.

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