
College@Deyes achieve great results once again

Yesterday, 78% of students from Deyes High School College (College@Deyes) achieved A* to C grades in their A-level results, while 52% achieved A*-B grades. 

The college said its students performed to an outstanding level across the board despite the uncertainty of returning to examinations after three years. 

Meanwhile, 96% of students taking a vocational course at the college achieved distinction* to merit grades. 

Head of the school, Mrs Beaney, said: “I would like to congratulate every student on their achievements over the last two years.  

“The determination and resilience they have shown has been incredible. Everyone here at College@Deyes is so proud of them and their success is well deserved.” 

Some individual highlights from College@Deyes’ 2022 results include: 

  • Ben Burgess, who achieved A*A*A*A* in biology, chemistry, physics and maths 
  • Harvey Al Ramadhan A*A*A in maths, physics and biology 
  • Thalia Holliday who achieved A*AA in psychology, biology and chemistry 
  • Miles Withers Hodson who achieved AAA in maths, biology and chemistry 
  • Nicholas White who achieved D*D*D* in computing, IT and engineering, as well as achieving a grade A in Level 3 maths 
  • Charlotte Wills who achieved A*AB in history, chemistry and English literature 
  • Max Hadwin who achieved A*BB in philosophy and ethics, English literature and history 
  • Caitlin Parr who achieved ABB in English literature, sociology and PE 

Miss Griffith Evans, director of sixth form at the school, said “We are immensely proud of all our Year 13 Students.  

“These results reflect their dedication and commitment to succeed, despite the challenges they have all faced over the past few years.” 

She added: “Whilst we are really going to miss them, these results have empowered our students to take their next steps and we look forward to hearing all about their future successes.” 

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