
Developing the teachers and leaders of tomorrow across Liverpool and Wirral

Across the last two and a half years, teaching school hubs have emerged as catalysts for change in the educational landscape. Rolled-out in September 2021, teaching school hubs set out with the goal of inspiring and developing the teachers and leaders of tomorrow.

Among them, Inspire Learning Teaching School Hub (TSH), covering Liverpool and Wirral. Built on five key pillars: collaborative learning environments, empowering leadership development, cultivating a culture of innovation, promoting inclusive leadership, and amplifying systemic impact, the hub has served as a beacon of hope and inspiration.

Inspire Learning TSH is driven by a commitment to collaboration. Its model connects leaders, educators and professionals from diverse institutes and fosters an environment conducive to shared learning and collaborative growth.

Collaborative projects, networking events and peer support provide a unique platform for teachers and leaders to tap into a wealth of expertise and experience.

Inspire Learning TSH places a huge emphasis on empowering leadership development and through an extensive range of professional development programmes, it enables aspiring and current leaders to gain a deeper understanding of pedagogical practices and innovative approaches.

The hub encourages teachers and leaders to embrace change, explore new ideas, and delve into pedagogical approaches that inspire wonder and fosters a love for learning and exploration. It empowers leaders to create dynamic and interactive learning experiences that capture the imagination of students.

Furthermore, through targeted leadership programmes, mentorship initiatives and networking opportunities, Inspire Learning TSH can cultivate inclusive leaders who can understand and respond to the diverse needs of young people.

Its commitment to championing systemic change extends far beyond individual schools and is amplified through its collaborations with local authorities, policymakers and other educational organisations, which enables it to help shape the educational landscape.

After Inspire Learning TSH’s redesignation in February 2024, it is determined to continue nurturing the teachers and leaders of tomorrow and building on the positive impact it has already achieved with a long-term goal of developing a sustainable educational system that benefits all children and young people, regardless of their background or circumstances.

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