
DfE launches Post-Qualification Admissions Reform consultation

The Department for Education is seeking views on the proposed changes to the current system of higher education admissions to a system of post-qualification admissions (PQA). 

The consultation follows the commitment from Government to level up the university admissions system and welcomes feedback on whether to change the current system of higher education admissions and move to a system of PQA. 

Universities Minister, Michelle Donelan said: “It has never been more important to level the playing field to ensure young people of all backgrounds have the very best opportunities to succeed for the future. 

“We know the current system of using predicted grades for university admissions can let down pupils from the most disadvantaged backgrounds and limit aspirations. 

“That is why we are consulting and working with the sector to explore how to achieve a system which works better to propel students into promising opportunities, and allows schools, colleges and universities to support them to reach their full potential.” 

Views can be submitted, here:  

The consultation closes at 9:30am on 13 May 2021. 

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