Exhibition aims to encourage young artists
For the second year, Edsential held the annual ‘Young Artists in Tuscany’ exhibition at the prestigious Williamson Art Gallery & Museum in Birkenhead.
Entitled ‘Young Artists in Tuscany’, it proved to be a highly successful sixth-form project with coverage in the past on both Italian and English television and exhibitions of the work in London, Florence and Montreal.
Many students have used this experience to gain places at prestigious art colleges across the country and this year’s ‘Young Artists in Tuscany’ promised to build on these achievements.
Students go through an interview process and successful candidates receive the unique opportunity to study and work in Tuscany, Italy, practical work runs alongside organized visits to see the works of the Italian Renaissance.
Debbie Cottam, Edsential’s head of visual and performing arts, said: “It has been a privilege to work with such talented, motivated and dedicated students. The standard of the work has been exceptionally high throughout the various stages of the project and I’m always in awe of what is produced!”
- A selection of work-books completed by students
- Sculpture piece by various students
- Work by Sophia Heywood (Sir John Deanes Sixth Form College)
- Isabella Maria Grazia Cecere (The Catholic High School, Chester)
- A different view on art
- Sophia Heywood (Sir John Deanes Sixth Form College)
- A number of paintings are displayed
- Sophia Heywood (Sir John Deanes Sixth Form College)
- A colourful display
- Starting young
- Sculpture piece by various students
- An artist admiring work