
Giorno Della Memoria connecting classrooms to bring peace

During this lockdown Alsop High School has continued to develop a partnership with a group of Italian teachers led by Ms Franca Gambari, who teaches in Modena, Northern Italy.  Alsop students sent their Holocaust Memorial Day film to Italy, where the film was edited with Italian subtitles.

This week the Italian school children responded with their own film for Holocaust Memorial Day. They had used the Alsop film as a stimulus to a project they completed for Holocaust Memorial Day.

Mrs Gambari said: “Dear friends at Alsop, my colleagues have so much appreciated your Holocaust Memorial Day film. They have asked me to share with you our video. We do hope you like it. This morning my class received a visit from the director. She came to congratulate the children for making the film, and for our work in partnership with Alsop High School.”

Mr Peter Bull, head of religious education at Alsop said: “We are delighted to receive such a lovely film. We would like to thank Ms Gambari and the young people of Modena. It is a film which expresses hope and with such a lovely message ‘Let us bring peace to you.’”

Mrs Sara Radivan, regional manager Co-ACH for the Jewish Board of Deputies said: “It is simply beautiful. Their song choice is amazing. It is set to a traditional classic Jewish folksong with such poignant words of peace. I am delighted that the partnership we set up as part of the FAITH 17 initiative continues today. Thank you Franca for an amazing film.” 

You can view the peace film at:

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