
Keeping everyone safe

Keeping everyone safe, schools unite for safer parking project. St Anne’s and Blacklow Brow Schools in Huyton are working together to improve road safety and to get across the ‘keeping everyone safe’ message by better and more considerate parking.
This joint project has come about because both schools have serious concerns about traffic related issues in the local area.
Mrs Keating, headteacher of St Anne’s said: “Whilst it is appreciated that most parents and carers drive and park appropriately, there is an ongoing problem caused by a small minority of parents and carers from both schools, who are putting children and adults in serious danger due to their inappropriate parking and driving.
“These parents and carers have also caused difficulties for local residents by selfishly blocking their driveways at the beginning or end of the school day.”
The St Anne’s and Blacklow Brow School Councillors are now leaders of a joint ‘Road Safety and Keeping Safe Project’. They have been looking at ideas of how to get the message of safe parking across to those parents and carers who currently park and drive inconsiderately.
The children recently joined the Civil Enforcement Officers outside both schools with their ‘keep us safe’ placards and received tremendous support from the parents and carers of both schools.
They have now also developed a parking contract which is to be launched at special assemblies.

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