
Local secondary schools come together for a night of live music

St John Plessington Catholic College and St Mary’s Catholic College hosted a night of live music in New Brighton on Friday 8 April. 

The schools, which are part of Holy Family Catholic Multi Academy Trust, took over Hope Anti-Supermarket, New Brighton, with a number of student bands and singers playing in the venue. 

The event ‘Friday Night Live’ celebrated the music abilities of students from across the Trust and gave emerging local talent the chance to play in a professional environment.   

Over 60 students from across both schools performed in a range of fantastic bands covering folk, rock and some old classics.  

Year 13 students from St Mary’’s headlined the event with their band ‘Kikyo’. ‘The Awakened’ from St John Plessington and the ‘Fedoras’ from St Mary’s also performed for the first ever time and blew the audience away with their fantastic sets. 

It wasn’t just students who had the spotlight shining on them, staff from both schools reformed their band ‘The Staffroom’ after last year’s successful performance. They played some classic covers and were even able to pick up some tips from their own students. 

Laurie Smith, director of music at Holy Family Catholic Multi Academy Trust, said: “Friday Night Live was a great opportunity for the Trust to showcase the amazing talent within its secondary schools. 

“Music is such an important aspect of school life for both St John Plessington and St Mary’s and by giving students the platform to sing and play instruments on a large scale was great experience for them.” 

Laurie added: “It was wonderful to welcome the local community on the night and see them supporting up and coming local musicians. A huge thank you to Rockpoint Leisure for providing us with this brilliant opportunity.” 

Andy Moor, CEO of Holy Family Catholic Multi Academy Trust, said: “Friday Night Live was an outstanding event which supports our curriculum and ongoing Creativity Collaborative work. This is the C-Change we are working towards with creativity, culture and community under one roof.” 

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