
The Academy of St Nicholas celebrate remarkable success on GCSE results day

The Academy of St Nicholas, Garston, is celebrating another successful year of GCSE results.

Today (Thursday 24 August), students and their families came into the academy to collect the all-important envelopes which contained their results.

The Academy of St Nicholas, which is part of All Saints Multi Academy Trust, acknowledges the challenges faced by this cohort of students, missing a huge proportion of Year 9 and impacting upon their preparation for the rigours of GCSE studies. Despite this, these students have worked incredibly hard to achieve excellent personal outcomes.

Olamide Adeleke performed particularly well across all subjects achieving grade 8s in science, engineering, business and religious education. Olamide also achieved grade 7s in maths and English because of her commitment and dedication to her studies.

Hard-working and dedicated student, Alan Korshid, performed above his targets in many subjects achieving grade 8s in English language, English literature, and religious education. He has also achieved grade 7s in combined science and computer science.

Arish Arulsabesan is another student who has consistently achieved above his target grade due to his commitment to his studies. Arish has worked tirelessly to achieve grade 8s in mathematics and combined science whilst performing consistently well in all subject areas.

The above students, and many others, will continue their studies at All Saints Sixth Form College in September. The sixth form is located on the same campus as the academy.

Many students have overcome personal challenges to achieve excellent results. Ethan Newton is just one of these students. Despite significant personal obstacles he faced, he has shown great resilience to achieve positive outcomes across all subjects.

Others will embark on apprenticeships or join the world of work.

An excellent work ethic, coupled with an academic support programme, has ensured that Kaden Roberts has performed above targets in almost every subject and as a result he will now progress to study and train in his chosen field of construction.

Headteacher, Mr Gary Lloyd, commented: “I am enormously proud of this year’s cohort. To see a continued improvement in exam results is testament to their hard work and dedication during their time here at the academy.

“I would like to thank our students, families and our superb team of teachers for their commitment to learning at The Academy of St Nicholas. I look forward to seeing some familiar faces in September as they join All Saints Sixth Form College and begin their A-level and BTEC journeys.”

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