
Unlocking your true potential

Blackburne House Education are offering traineeships for young men and women (age 19 to 24) in construction, health & beauty, hospitality, events planning, administration and childcare.

Claire Dove OBE, chief executive of Blackburne House, said: “The programme is flexible and can be suited to a wide range of career paths.

“Traineeships unlock the great potential of young people and prepare them for their future careers by helping them to become ‘work ready’.

“They also provide the essential work preparation training, maths and English and work experience needed to get an apprenticeship or other job.

“Traineeships are delivered by training providers and funded by the government, with employers providing the valuable work experience placement and interview as part of the programme.

“As both an employer and a training provider, Blackburne House is excellently placed and the only provider in Liverpool to be delivering traineeships. It’s social enterprises provide work experience placements for students completing their courses.

“Blackburne House is a unique, inspirational learning environment – transforming women’s lives for over 30 years. The college delivers traineeships alongside a range of other courses for women of all ages and abilities.”

Awarded Grade 2 by Osfted in November 2013, Blackburne House’s teaching, learning and assessment are described as ‘good with outstanding features’.

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