
Frank Cottrell Boyce enthrals students at Alsop

International bestselling author Frank Cottrell Boyce visited an eager Year 7 gathering at Alsop High School, much to the delight of students.

The students listened to Frank who read from a variety of his novels, entertaining and enthralling them throughout the morning.

A book-signing event then followed with eager fans patiently queuing to buy signed copies of his many books. There was also an opportunity for sixth-formers to engage in a Q & A session focused on Writers Craft, prior to lunch.

Head of English Ms Hart said: “Mr Cottrell Boyce was inspirational. He was engaging and he inspired students to read more challenging books. Students participated in a lively question and answer session to find out what motivates and inspires Frank to write.

“He was very entertaining and we were delighted that so many students were keen to take up the offer to purchase his books.”

Ms Hart then presented Frank with flowers thanking him for his time and support.

Frank Cottrell Boyce is one of the UK’s top authors for children. He has received numerous awards having been involved in projects for film, TV and radio. Some of these include Dr Who, Coronation Street and Emmerdale and scripts for BBC radio.

Along with Danny Boyle, he wrote the awe inspiring opening sequence of British History that made the 2012 London Olympics stand out!

Commissioned by UNICEF, Frank Cottrell Boyce wrote Unforgotten Coat. This is a story about the plight of refugees and won the 2012 Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize. Frank has also been a judge for the prestigious BBC 500 Word Short Story Competition.

Nominated for the Costa and the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, he is currently filming his latest book, Sputnik’s Guide to Life on Earth, this is a truly heart-warming story about family, love and life, written from the perspective of an alien on a travel-writing excursion to Earth.

Frank, a resident of Liverpool, is a very keen supporter of the arts; he tries as often as possible to visit schools, independent bookshops and libraries to support and enthuse and nurture a love of stories.

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