
Maricourt celebrate careers curriculum

Maricourt Catholic High School had a fantastic term celebrating and engaging in the careers curriculum with a variety of events such as; national careers week all students in all year groups 7 to 13.

A fantastic trip was organized for Year 10 students who went to Hugh Baird College for the levelling up event. The careers advisor, Mrs Gresham, said: “The students were enthralled with the robotics and opportunities on offer, making links with future job opportunities and engaging with employers”.

A selection of students from Year 8 also attended Edge Hill University for an aspirational event in which they explored opportunities for the future, university life and they enjoyed a full campus tour. It was such a great day they are returning with more students next term. Year 8 also engaged in a ‘World of Work’ day hosted by their partners ‘Everton in the Community’.

Careers leader, Michelle Wood, said: “It was great to see the younger students engaging in career skills development and raising aspirations for the future, engaging with a wide variety of employers and asking confident questions”.

The school also saw many of its Maricourt alumni return to do face-to-face practice interviews with Year 13 students. Danielle Lawler the careers senior leadership team (SLT) link said: “We have always known how important employer interactions are, so it has been a challenge to continue organising the interviews virtually. Although we did rise to the challenge it has been amazing to have so many employers back in school”.

Key stage 4 students all had the opportunity to attend an apprenticeship talk by Jake Croxton of ‘Be More’ which was very engaging and supported students making links about various career options and opportunities.

Key stage 5 students attended a talk by Chris Prescott of LJMU who gave an insight into university life, courses on offer and how to plan the financial side of university.

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