
Our Lady Star of the Sea community go from couch to 5k 

Parents, carers, staff and older children at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School in Seaforth commenced a 10-week programme called ‘Couch to 5k’ in January 2024.  

The sessions are held after school and are well attended. Running is an excellent way to keep physically and mentally fit, and the programme helps to build stamina over time, whether somebody is a complete beginner or looking to start again after a break. 

Year 5 teacher ,Mrs Edey, and Year 6 teacher, Mr Wilson Maher, have been leading the sessions. 

Turn out has been fantastic, despite the cold January evenings at the beginning.  

The first session was held 23 January, and notwithstanding the cold, dark and strong winds, the participants persevered and returned the following week, when the rain did not deter them.  

Each week the group has continued to attend, increasing their fitness levels. At the beginning of March the daylight hours extended and the group progressed to Rimrose Valley, where they were finally running non-stop for 20 minutes.  

The school is very proud of the achievement and is looking forward to cheering the group on to complete the 5k goal. 

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