Season of goodwill at Rainford High
Rainford High is once again embracing the season of goodwill and raising money through various fundraising activities this month.
The school is hoping to raise money for worthy causes, with a specific focus on supporting as many families and charities in the local community.
Rainford High’s main fundraising event is usually an annual Christmas fayre, however, due to the pandemic, and with much disappointment, it is not possible this year.
Despite not being able to hold the event, Alexandra Marsh, director of business and finance, and the lead for fundraising activities at the school, has adapted this year’s fundraising efforts with a determination to still help as many people as possible.
Alex said: “Our fundraising is so important to our school community. To be able to give something back and have an impact on improving someone’s circumstances is at the heart of our school ethos.”
The school is supporting Save the Children with a Christmas jumper day, as well as raffles, quizzes, a non-uniform day and many more activities in order to raise much important funds.
Post pandemic the school is committed to being kind and supporting the most vulnerable in the community.
Principal Ian Young said: “As we move forward from the pandemic, more so than ever before the need to proactively develop kindness and generosity in our young people is paramount.”
The last few days of term will see lots of Christmas merriment and Santa himself will be drawing the raffle.
Alex added: “We have asked our wonderful school community to donate to various causes including the foodbank, the Salvation Army, St Helens Gift Appeal and Councillor Chris Lamb’s NHS appeal by collecting donations of chocolate oranges, and due to their huge generosity, we are able to make up food and Christmas hampers for local families who are in need this festive season.”