
Sugar swaps for a healthier lifestyle

Parents in Liverpool are being urged to reduce their child’s sugar intake by making simple swaps in their diet.

Public Health Liverpool at Liverpool City Council is supporting the national Change4Life campaign. It is calling on families to sign up for ‘Sugar Swaps’ this January and make food and drink swaps throughout their day.

In 2011-12 around 27% of children in reception year in Liverpool were overweight or obese, with this figure rising to 38% among Year 6 children.

Along with these obesity problems, Liverpool is also ranked second highest among the core cities for the number of children aged 5 with decaying, missing, or filled teeth.

Councilor Helen Casstles, assistant cabinet member for public health, says: “This is not about asking people to take dramatic action and cut sugar out of their family’s diet altogether, but about swapping some foods for alternatives.

“It’s important because children who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, go onto experience weight and health problems in adolescence, and are more likely to become overweight or obese adults.”

Over the next month Public Health Liverpool Community Ambassadors will be holding events to promote the Sugar Swap campaign. They are:

Wednesday 7 January – Bridge Community Centre, Norris Green

Wednesday 14 January – Lee Valley Millennium Centre, Childwall Valley Road, Belle Vale

Friday 23 January – Wellington Ave, Methodist Church, Wavertree

Thursday 5 February – Stoneycroft Children’s Centre, Scotia Road

The Liverpool Community Health Community Foods team will be handing out free fruit and soup bags at the events, as well as holding talks about the differences these small changes can make, and visitors will also have the chance to take part in an exercise class.

To find out how to reduce your families sugar intake search Change4Life and sign up today.

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