Wirral students rock Friday Night Live stage in New Brighton
Students from two Wirral schools recently performed at the Oakland Gallery in New Brighton’s Victoria Quarter.
St John Plessington Catholic College and St Mary’s Catholic College performers took to the stage to perform a range of songs for a packed room as part of Friday Night Live.
Laurie Smith, Director of Music at Holy Family Catholic Multi Academy Trust, said: “Friday Night Live was a great opportunity for our Trust to showcase the amazing talent within its secondary schools. The atmosphere at these events is always fantastic, with students supporting and cheering each other on. It’s wonderful to see.
“Music is such an important aspect of school life for both St John Plessington and St Mary’s, and giving students the platform to sing and play instruments on a large scale was a great experience for them.”
Laurie added: “It was wonderful to welcome the local community on the night and see them supporting up and coming local musicians. A huge thank you to Rockpoint Leisure for providing us with this brilliant opportunity.”
CEO of Holy Family Catholic Multi Academy Trust, Andy Moor, commented: “A huge well done to all our students who got involved in Friday Night Live; you were absolutely phenomenal. It’s great to see so many of our young people find their passion on stage and perform to the local community.”