
Chicks – Life cycles

Pupils from Farnborough Road Junior School, Birkdale have been celebrating their ‘Life Cycles’ topic in science this summer term by raising their own chicks.

As part of the course the Year 5 pupils have incubated, hatched and raised the chicks.

Pupils have also taken pictures of their progress. The pictures in our gallery show the chicks at roughly two days old and were still finding their feet!

The children were having such an ‘eggcellent’ time rearing their chicks that they have put pen to paper to tell us all about it!


BrynThe chicks and their life in our school – Bryn

First we got the eggs in May. The eggs were from different farms.

We left them for 21 days and thought they would hatch. They ate the yolk inside to survive. We waited another day and then the first one hatched! It used its “egg tooth” to break free.

We named the first one ‘Chicken Little’. She popped out and she was left in the incubator for 24 hours. It was a small grey ball of wet fluff!


photo 2

Chicken Experience – Michael

The second one was born on Friday 16 May. They were both all wet at first, however after 24 hours they were fluffy like a cat! When they grew up they were much bigger than they were when they were born. The first chick was named ‘Chicken Little’ and the other was named ‘Joshi’. After 24 hours we moved them to a brooder (big box) so they had lots of room to run around. The brooder also had a small food pot and a watering tray so they could be healthy and grow.


photo 1Chicks arrived at class 5/4

We must make sure to feed them one bowl a day and clean there house three times a day. They are very messy. Overall the experience of having the chicks has been fantastic. They are such fun and cute to admire, feel, hold and I strongly recommend getting some chicks 😀





photo 4

Our chicks! – Taya and Tabitha

We have to change their newspaper twice a day and give them a bowl of chicken food a day but the chicks can have as much water, as they want. As well as that if the chicks are cold they go under a light, and then we fold both of the lids closed. If they are warm they go away from the light. Overall I think having the chicks have been a great experience and education -especially holding them! I would love to have them again and I hope next years pupils enjoy them as much as I did.


AbigailOur chicks life – Abigail

When we came back from the holidays they had grew much bigger and both of them did not like being picked up. We all really missed the chicks the moment they left, but we hope that their life at the farm works out well for them. I hope that next years chicks are just as cute and fun as ours where, hopefully when they grow up on the farm they will remember how much we loved them and remember how much we miss them now.

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