
More than just a sixth form

King David High School’s outstanding sixth form has continued to go from strength to strength.

The school offers a broad and balanced curriculum and a highly skilled and experienced teaching staff to deliver it.

A dedicated sixth form pastoral team not only ensure that there are always high academic expectations, but that “care and support for students’ well-being is of the highest order. It results in students who are interested in the world around them, have high personal aspirations and have high levels of self-confidence”. (Ofsted)

Dr Dale (head of Sixth Form), said: “We strike a strong and appropriate balance here between high academic standards, personalised pastoral support and a diverse enrichment programme”.

Indeed the strength of the enrichment offer at King David was evident in the Year 12s” recent trip to the Liverpool Mathematical Society Lecture on Enigma and The Secret World of Codes and Codebreaking.

The speaker, Dr James Grime, provided a brief history of codes and code breaking, introducing the audience to the Caesar Shift and General Substitution Ciphers.

He then explained how a combination of logic and mathematical methods can be used to break codes.

Olivia has been a pupil at King David since year 7. Olivia chose the sixth form at King David as she ‘always loved the community feel of King David and felt thoroughly supported throughout school life’.

Oliva says that there is an amazing range of subjects that have enabled her to choose a great pathway. She is planning to continue her studies at a prestigious university.

Olivia states that King David sixth form is really special, her relationships with teacher’s and other students are memories that she will cherish, there are amazing facilities for sixth form students and exclusive areas to enable them to study in a peaceful environment.

Olivia said: “I feel part of the Jewish community and King David welcomed me as a practising Catholic wholeheartedly”.

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